Study: Games Are Healthy

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Mar 232006

Kristen spotted this, since I have no time to read websites while I’m here at GDC. But the Games for Health initiative has some cool stuff they are talking about here at GDC this year…

Study: Games are Healthy

PopCap Games and The Games for Health Project have released a new study in an effort to show that games can be healthy for developing bright minds. Playing strategy and puzzle titles can challenge the brain and help to push intellectual minds.

In a continuing effort to prove that games are not all about guns and violence, PopCap Games, the leading developer and publisher of casual games, and The Games for Health Project have released their first summary of findings of literature review of research and market development activities associated with the possible use of digital games for maintaining healthy minds. The release of this information coincides with the Serious Games Summit track at the Game Developers Conference this week.

  4 Responses to “Study: Games Are Healthy”

  1. Related, my son was 8 when he started playing an MMORPG. He was a slow reader with poor comprehension skills when he started, and lacked any desire to improve. But that changed due to communication through the key board. It wasn’t just the game, any internet activity with communications would have done the same, but the speed of the MMORPG I think did help.

  2. […] Comments […]

  3. […] someone’s actually working on this. We’re getting scientific muscle behind the political. Kzat!(Post a new comment) Log in now.(Create account, or useOpenID) […]

  4. Hey, that’s my project! It’s what I gave my talk on at GDC. There will probably be more about it on my blog…

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