Scenes from GDC 2006
(Visited 7665 times)Constance Steinkuehler and Heather Kelley playing Animal Crossing: WIld World surreptitiously in the back of the lecture hall as a panel is going on.
Patrick Dugan asking a panel of academics whether the cultural shifts brought on by massively multiplayer games may include damaging our conception of the nation-state as a key form of personal identity. Academics don’t quite know what to say.
Torrential rain.
PictoChat chatrooms everywhere.
David Jaffe: “it’s safe to say [PS3 is] the most powerful game machine on the planet. But it has technical limitations. It seems to be incapable of rendering 3-way sex scenes in real time.”
“Hang on, I have a Commodore 64 in my pocket.” – Ian Bogost. And lo, he does, running on his Palm.
The Fat Man’s annual jam session, where one improvised tune develops a choral descant that goes “Leeeeroooy… Leeerooooy Jenkiiiins…” It was very pretty.
After dinner at Shalimar restaurant,the waiters come out with new plates. “What are these for?” we ask. “For dinner… ” they say. “All you’ve had are the appetizers.” Oh God.
The guy at the casual games party who had a balloon hat on his head, and said that he liked the kid who was making them, so he took one and then asked how much it was. $20.
The conference assistant who was described by their mentor as a mentat instead of a mentee. We concluded that based on the events in Dune, this did not bode well for him.
Ah, game developers are crazy.
I do have more notes to type up, but I am flyng back home in around two hours, so I have to go now. 🙂
9 Responses to “Scenes from GDC 2006”
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“Ah, game developers are crazy.”
Yeah, this is essentially what I’ve concluded over time… It’s a good thing. 🙂
Gah, I wish I could have gone this year. But, there’s always future GDCs!
The GDC in review
Another long week in another year. Hanging out with other developers, drinking perhaps a bit too much, and hoping that the things discussed actually lead to a business deal down the line. Ah, the GDC.
I thought I’d put up some of my thoughts about…
How do I contact you about hiring you?
Looking to branch away from SPAM, Bill? (Bill Waggoner is a well known spam king.)
I really needed this today, Raph..Thanks 🙂
I have one to add…
– Steve Wozniak doing magic tricks in the CA lounge.
As a CA, they wouldn’t let me go pounce Raph. Oh well, there is always next year 🙂
Steve Wozniak was there?
Woz showed up on Tuesday to do some magic for the CA staff. I didn’t get much time to watch the show, but I did see him up in the concorse a little later on. I posted a really crappy picture here.
All I had was my cell phone for picture taking, so I absolve myself in regards to the quality 🙂
That image just makes me giggle. Ahhhh, we’d have all gotten in so much trouble back in school…