GDC day three

 Posted by (Visited 14301 times)  Misc
Mar 232006

I missed every session except Phil Harrison’s keynote, because of meetings or just stopping in the hallway to chat. And that keynote has been reported all over the web, so I won’t go into detail, except to say that I wish I had my PSP with me so I could download Loco Roco onto it at the PSP download station. Oh, and that SOE got a great shout-out for our work on the network platform. Woo hoo!

Name-dropping now ensues: Continue reading »

Study: Games Are Healthy

 Posted by (Visited 5847 times)  Game talk
Mar 232006

Kristen spotted this, since I have no time to read websites while I’m here at GDC. But the Games for Health initiative has some cool stuff they are talking about here at GDC this year…

Study: Games are Healthy

PopCap Games and The Games for Health Project have released a new study in an effort to show that games can be healthy for developing bright minds. Playing strategy and puzzle titles can challenge the brain and help to push intellectual minds.

In a continuing effort to prove that games are not all about guns and violence, PopCap Games, the leading developer and publisher of casual games, and The Games for Health Project have released their first summary of findings of literature review of research and market development activities associated with the possible use of digital games for maintaining healthy minds. The release of this information coincides with the Serious Games Summit track at the Game Developers Conference this week.

Mar 222006

I meant to post these in order, but oh well.

Designers Meet Social Scientists

part of “The Social Dimensions of Digital Gaming” tutorial day

moderated by Eric Zimmerman

There were three designers on the panel: myself, Heather Kelley of Ubisoft, and Matt Adams of Blast Theory; and three social scientists: Suzanne de Castell of Simon Fraser University in Canada, Mikael Jakobsson of Malmo University in Sweden, and Torill Mortensen of Volda College in Norway.
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