Mar 212006

These are my notes on this session from the Mobile GDC. It’s got significant overlap with the previous posting on this topic, but there’s a lot of new material too.

Amy Jo Kim and Scott Kim

Putting the Fun in Functional

Uses Zimmerman/Salen’s definition of game, but an informal definition is “a structured experience with rules and goals that’s fun.” Under that definition ebay is a game.

How do games shape behavior?

– They leverage primal response patterns — consider the slot machine, powerful behavior modifier, using schedules of reinforcement.
– They also engage us in flow, where the challenge needs to be between too high a challenge and too low a challenge.

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GDC day one

 Posted by (Visited 5644 times)  Game talk
Mar 202006

I didn’t take notes, and I was also in and out of the tutorial on “Social dimensions of digital games.” This will perforce be brief.

“Games are to computers as birds are to dinosaurs.” – Julian Dibbell. Discuss.

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Off to GDC today

 Posted by (Visited 6196 times)  Game talk
Mar 192006

I’m heading out to GDC later tonight. I will be there all week. This year, the luck of the draw was that I have a lot of meetings and not much talking to do. The only presentation I will be a part of will be on Monday afternoon, part of the “Social Dimensions of Digital Gaming” tutorial — some sort of game show panel thing that I am going into blind thanks to the nefarious offices of Eric Zimmerman…

Because of this, I am also unsure how many sessions I will attend, but I’ll try to blog whatever I make it to that sounds interesting! I expect I may see some of you while I am there too.