Guitar piece: “Spring Break”

 Posted by (Visited 11926 times)  Music
Apr 152006

Here’s another acoustic guitar piece for you all. It’s played in open G tuning, and features my father-in-law’s 1962 Gibson acoustic — an amazingly resonant guitar with a real “old-timey” sound. I usually play slide on this guitar, but in this case I played fingerstyle, no picks. If you listen close, you can even hear the jangle of the untrimmed strings at the headstock scraping against each other.
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Apr 142006

One of the things that I have been thinking about a lot lately is the way that the current Web world (particularly the Web 2.0 stuff) and games seems to be ships passing in the night. It’s led me to say a lot lately that the two groups have a lot to learn from one another. Right now, with big dot-com folks like Joi Ito calling WoW “the new golf,” there’s a bit more awareness crossing the gap, but sometimes I wonder if the right lessons are bring learned.

So I thought I’d post my quick off-the-top-of-my-head list of stuff that each side should learn from the other.

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