Interesting sales figures

 Posted by (Visited 11283 times)  Game talk
Apr 122006

A while back, Time Magazine wrote that “Most attempts to re-energize board games are now garage-sale fodder.” In their latest issue, they instead announced that “For old-fashioned fun, many Americans are going back to family board games–sales were up 18% in 2005.”

It’s interesting to contrast this with the recent doom and gloom analyses of the pen and paper gaming industry:
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Mental models

 Posted by (Visited 6492 times)  Game talk, Reading
Apr 102006

To change your world, you first have to change your own thinking. Neuroscience research shows that your mind discards the majority of the sensory stimuli you receive. What you see is what you think. The ability to see the world differently can create significant opportunities, as companies such as Southwest Airlines, FedEx, Charles Schwab and others have demonstrated. But even successful models can ultimately become a prison if they limit your ability to make sense of a changing world, in the way that major airlines failed to fully recognize the threat of upstarts such as Ryanair or that music companies, locked into a mindset of selling CDs, failed to see the opportunities and threats of music file sharing.

— from The Power of Impossible Thinking: Transform the Business of Your Life and the Life of Your Business, by Jerry Wind, Colin Crook, and Robert Gunther

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