Plane reading

 Posted by (Visited 10696 times)  Reading
Apr 072006

I spent much of yesterday on planes, flying back and forth between San Diego and the Bay Area. I forgot to bring enough books to read, so I was forced to search through the airport book shops for an additional book — which is particularly sad since my latest batch from Amazon had just arrived the day before.

As it happens, a lot of the books I’ve read recently count as this sort of “plane read,” though not all. So here’s some capsule reviews covering both sorts.

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Lara’s back

 Posted by (Visited 6208 times)  Game talk
Apr 052006

Kristen & I just collaboratively played through the demo of the new Tomb Raider: Legend. I’m pleased to say that it felt like the original — same gentle pacing followed by moments of combat, same puzzles to solve with gigantic ancient machinery. Yay. We knew Lara was back the moment that Kristen first climbed a ledge with a handstand.