A bit of an absence

 Posted by (Visited 7295 times)  Misc
May 012006

You may have noticed a bit of a silence on the blog lately.

Kristen’s father passed away last week, and we’ve been dealing with that; a trip to Maryland for the funeral, and all the things that are attendant upon this sort of bad news.

On top of that, the long plane flights seem to have badly worsened something that I did to my back over a week ago — I am finding it hard to sit at a desk for longer than 20 minutes. Kristen is still with her mother back east, so I am managing the two kids myself; with a thrown out back, it gets a bit tiring.

Anyway, I hope that I’ll get the blog back to its normal rhythm soon.

  17 Responses to “A bit of an absence”

  1. Very sorry to hear that. My condolence to you all.
    And I hope your back gets well soon.

  2. Ugh, sorry to hear about the family Raph. Our condolences to all of you.

    As to your back, didn’t you buy the tablet for a reason? 🙂 Desk? Feh!

  3. Condolences to you all, especially Kristen.

    As for the blog and stuff? Forget about it for now. Family always comes first.

  4. Many condolences to Kristen and the rest of your family. Don’t worry about the blog, and I do hope your back feels better soon. (If it lingers, might I suggest looking into acupuncture? I’ve had several friends and family with chronic back pain make miraculous and lasting recoveries through it.)

  5. Oh dear. I give my sincere condolences. If Kristen needs anything at all in Maryland — a car ride, or, well, anything — I’m here at least until Thursday. I’m not on the clock for anybody, so anytime is fine. Just drop me an email.

    Next week, however, I’ll be in Austin, looking for a place to live.

  6. Very sorry to hear about this Raph, my condolences to you and your family. The blog should be the least of your worries right now.

  7. Off-topic, but…

    Ran across this today, thought people here would be interested.


    Nothing on topic to say that hasn’t been said. Well wishes until things start to look up again.

  8. […] Comments […]

  9. Very sorry for your family’s loss, Raph.

  10. My condolances mister Koster to you and your extended family.

  11. I’ll add my voice for condolences. I hope things work out as best as they can considering the circumstances.

  12. My thoughts and prayers for you and Kristen this week. It’s not a fun road to travel and I hope you guys can make the best of it. I know it’s not easy.

    Concerning your back, I can offer a little suggestion if it is still bugging you. Take a very hot bath, as hot as you can tolerate it. Wait until the kids are in bed and then soak until you can’t stand to be in the water. I have constant back issues (thus my love for a little booze after dark), and find that this really helps ease the muscles (because there are usually more muscles screwed up than the ones you feel when it hurts).

    Either that, or a good bottle of whiskey – you are unemployed so drinking during the week isn’t a sin.

  13. … you are unemployed so drinking during the week isn’t a sin.

    Some would say that drinking… during the week… while employed… at the office… isn’t a sin either! 😉

  14. My condolences to you and your family. Sorry for your loss.

  15. I did wonder where you had got to lately and I’m sorry it’s for a sad reason. Take care!

  16. […] A bit of an absence which goes to show I am running out of interesting things to blog about! […]

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