Jake Shimabukuro

 Posted by (Visited 6125 times)  Music
May 032006

Brian Hook turned me on to Jake Shimabukuro, and I’ve now gotten all his CDs. Short form: imagine a ukelele player who makes it sound like a classical guitar. Or an electric guitar. Or occasionally, a bit like a mandolin. Really virtuosic stuff. Musically, he maybe drifts a bit too much into smooth jazz/Acoustic Alchemy territory, but when the focus is on his playing, he’s amazing.

Check out this video of him doing “While My Guitar Gently Weeps.”

His CDs:

  2 Responses to “Jake Shimabukuro”

  1. Outstanding. I backlined for a guy in Miami in the late 80’s who did amazing stuff on ukelele. Mostly straight ahead jazz/bop stuff which made it all the more interesting. I’m blanking on his name … I’ll update if I can find him.

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