Not at E3/At E3

 Posted by (Visited 6194 times)  Misc
May 102006

You may have wondered why no E3 posts.

Because today, Wednesday, was my wedding anniversary. 14 years, and it still feels as good as ever.

The next gen of consoles pales in comparison. 🙂

I will, however, be there Thursday. Can’t say I am looking forward to it, actually. Loud, tiring, and a two-and-an-half hour drive at 6:30am.

  13 Responses to “Not at E3/At E3”

  1. Get as much free schwag as possible in your trunk and auction it off on ebay or here on your blog. Im sure you can get a few “beta” discs that are being handed out or um “on display”. Have you been at least watching what has been shown off so far with the sony, ms, and nintendo conferences as well as what has been talked about for games yet?

    My list of games to watch:

    Halo 3, Fable 2, Crysis, Final Fantasy 13, GTA 4, Hellgate, and oddly Zelda for Wii.

  2. […] Comments […]

  3. Congrats on fourteen years! It’s great to hear other people who are passionate about game design admit that there are other, more important, things in life to be passionate about.

  4. Let’s start a rumor that Raph is going to announce Something Big™ today at E3. 😉

  5. Big rumor 1#
    “Raph announces corporate takeover of SOE and NCSoft, Merges companies and calls it RaphWorks”

    “Raph seen playing Nintendo Wii. Announces shortly after a MMO using the Wii controller and a headset.”

    “Raph arrives at E3 and gets mugged by out of work booth babes.”

    “Raph is seen in the rafters of the LA Convention center. Sting of WWE put out of work.”

    heh, Although #2 might sound kinda cool. Imagine a mmo that uses only movements by a Wii controller and a headset. Now thats revolutionary.

  6. Happy Anniversary! Ain’t marriage grand? 😀

  7. I have always wanted to see Nintendo try their hand at an MMO. The traditional MMO arguably contradicts their philosophy for this generation of consoles, but that’s exactly what would make a Nintendo-developed MMO so interesting.

  8. I have always wanted to see Nintendo try their hand at an MMO.

    My first thought in response to that statement was, “How many Mario variations can you come up with?”

  9. Ray! for anniversaries 🙂

  10. My first thought in response to that statement was, “How many Mario variations can you come up with?”

    Considering Nintendo’s new marketing scheme, the name for the next-gen Mario MMO would be… “MMM!” 😉

  11. Happy anniversary Raph!

  12. Good news is it’s the 405 and you avoid the Crush.

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