Reader map

 Posted by (Visited 9668 times)  Misc
May 262006

It’s been ages, so it’s time for all you new readers to go add yourselves to the map.

  7 Responses to “Reader map”

  1. I added myself, but you have to zoom waaaaaay in to see me cause I always get covered up by the other NorthWesterners. 🙂

  2. I also don’t show up until one zooms in, but I get covered up by a fella from Rhode Island. Connecticut should always overwrite Rhode Island. One of the states should’ve just absorbed Rhode Island but I think even Massachusetts didn’t want it =(

  3. Thought I saw a Brazilian yesterday. Where’d s/he go?

  4. Still there… the embedded map on this page only shows the first 50 markers or something — if you go to the actual Frappr site it’ll let you choose to show more.

  5. […] Comments […]

  6. Done, although for some strange reason I can’t see the map in Mozilla :/

  7. Nobody’s covering me up… Estonia represent!

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