Japanese commentary on Player Rights

 Posted by (Visited 6131 times)  Game talk
May 282006

Looks like someone wrote a little commentary over here. I relied on Google to translate it, as usual.

  4 Responses to “Japanese commentary on Player Rights”

  1. I wrote that commentary. I was just saying to Japanese blog readers,”Hey, there is something interesting here.” There is nothing particularly interesting to the author.

    The google translation is very funny.

  2. […] Either one is about causing a shift in perspective in the person interacting with the new construct, forcing them to see the world in a different way. The hope is that ever after, when they look at houses, a landscape, a party, a flock of birds, a person, they will see the play of muscles underneath, they will see past the brambles, and forever after the world will have a hint of purple. Japanese commentary on Player Rights Raph 2006-05-29 01:54 작성 | Games […]

  3. As an interpreter, I wouldn’t rely on Google to translate my shopping list reliably 🙂
    I find that anything with a bit of creativity in it is pretty much unintelligible unless you already know the language in question and can work out why things have been translated the way they are – and in that case, why would you need a translator?

  4. […] someone wrote a little commentary over here. I relied on Google to translate it, as usual. (Post a new comment) Log in now.(Create account, or useOpenID) […]

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