For every fiddle found in old pawn shops
There is a gypsy less, with music torn away.
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Random UO anecdote #1
(Visited 14455 times)There used to be an ad agency on the fifth floor of the Origin building, back when it was off of 360. I can’t remember what it was called, but after they moved us from our cramped offices where we were packed in three or four to an office, we were moved up there. It was very early in UO’s actual development, but long after Rick Delashmit had done the initial prototype — maybe a month or two in from what I think of as the start of the “real” UO, which was in September of 1995. We had to go by the receptionist, who always wondered who those scruffy guys in t-shirts were who ducked past them to go into the nondescript corner of the floor.
Prof. Henry Jenkins is blogging
(Visited 6296 times)Confessions of an Aca/Fan: The Official Weblog of Henry Jenkins launched recently. Henry’s an amazingly smart guy with a lot to say about both games and popular culture. Worth reading.
Ripping, ripping, ripping
(Visited 7430 times)I just finished ripping our CD collection.
The result is 48.5GB, 15,788 songs. I didn’t bother counting the CDs. “A lot.”
It was astonishing how many old friends we had not listened to in years. Some of the CDs we used to love still had soot on them from the house fire in 1999.
The genre tags are all screwed up, but I can tell already that contemporary folk-slash-singer/songwriter stuff dominates, accounting for around 200 hours worth.
Of course, I am dismayed to realize that we have 500 cassettes and probably 150 vinyl LPs with maybe a 5% overlap with the CDs. A lot of it isn’t even available on CD.
I don’t think my record player even works!
MySpace Roleplaying and testing identities
(Visited 16958 times)A week or so ago, The Razor published a pair of articles on MySpace Roleplaying. The first described the phenomenon of MySpace profiles that are fictive renderings of celebrities or of the characters they play on TV. The second is an interview with a MySpace roleplayer, which contains the following gem of a quote: