More recent reads

 Posted by (Visited 11148 times)  Reading
Jun 142006

I’ve noticed that I don’t read nearly as much science-fiction as I do fantasy, and much of the fantasy I read is not the giant endless series of hack n slash adventures. I am many volumes behind on the George R. R. Martin books, for example, and I have completely given up on the Robert Jordan ones. I often enjoy urban fantasy, stuff that draws from mythology, and stuff that crosses over a bit into magical realism.

So a lot of the recent books read are going to fall into that category, along with a few other oddballs from here and there. There’s also one massive swath of reading of one author.

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Pages cut off in IE?

 Posted by (Visited 14068 times)  Misc
Jun 132006

So I’ve gotten a few reports that some pages on the site (like this one) are cut off at the bottom when viewed in IE 6 for Windows or Safari on the Mac — but not in Firefox on PC, Firefox on Mac, or IE 5 for Mac. (Haven’t tried Opera yet).

We have found that on some pages if you resize the screen wider it’ll “pull up” the stuff that was pushed off the bottom, but you can’t just scroll down to it using the scrollbar.

Problem is, we don’t see anything wrong. Validating the HTML and CSS comes up clean. We’re baffled. Any web folks out there who have a clue as to what’s up?


 Posted by (Visited 14162 times)  Game talk
Jun 132006

Ambition is a funny thing. I’m speaking here of the ambitions that we might have for our work, the hopes that it might entertain or touch people, and the hopes that it will do well financially. It was interesting to read the comments on the posts on interesting NPCs and UO’s resource system (1, 2, 3.) and see so many of the players get excited about possibilities — and so many of the developers wonder if it was worth the effort.

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