From the mailbag

 Posted by (Visited 13607 times)  Mailbag
Jul 282006

I just got done reading Chapter Nine of your Theory of Fun for Game Design and I think it suffered for not having a functional definition of ‘art’. I’ll throw you the one that I developed and hope that you find it useful as it is very applicable to systems in general. “Art is a manifestation of Genius.” This definition does more than just separate ‘good art’ from ‘bad art’ subjectively, but allows art to spread accross a wide swathe of mediums and fields. Yes, a beautiful mathematics proof can be art. Computer programs (and even games) can be art. It makes art reflect upon the creator and context. One’s regard for Duchamp’s Fountain, for example, is based on whether one thinks it a cute idea, a clever idea, or a manifestation of genius. The definition also rids us of the notion that art is somehow about communication. The only thing that art universally tries to convey is ‘Look what greatness mankind has wrought’.

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Jul 262006

I’ve talked before about how all forms of media are heading from commodity towards utility at various rates — music being the most obvious example, what with services now offering “all you can listen to for a flat monthly fee plus some extras for additional cost” business plans very much like a utility bill.

I didn’t quite expect, however, for games to get there this quickly. But as usual, Korea is a harbinger.

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