Comic Con 2006

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Jul 212006
Has ComicCon grown up?
Has Comic Con grown up?

So today, we went to Comic Con.

Leave house: 10:30am.

Get downtown: 11:10am.

Find parking spot: 12:20pm. $5 (amazingly, most of the close ones were $20, but they were full. We had to park on the other side of Petco Park).

Make it to the convention center: 12:35pm. $20 by pedicab — no way the kids were willing to walk that in the heat.

Entrance for me and the kids: $25. (And a very nice ComicCon employee let us cut the line when he saw I had two kids in tow).

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Jul 202006

This time, there’s a new version to download!

Last time, I talked about how there were a few things that had caught my imagination: dynamic music based on how you were flying the bird, and the idea of adding verticality into the flight model, so you could zoom in and out. This latter one, I concluded, should be done before I put in any obstacles or challenges, because it would dictate what sort of challenges I could present. I also had planned to add the wind.

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