ijji is here

 Posted by (Visited 6552 times)  Game talk
Aug 282006

ijji – Live Games Online is NHN’s try at cracking the casual gamer market in the US. Of course, we’ve already got Shockwave.com and Pogo and any others — but what NHN brings to the table is the fact that their portal is #1 in most of the Pacific Rim. It’ll be interesting to see how it does here.

  2 Responses to “ijji is here”

  1. When I read the RSS title only, I figured they’d done a preview of the online function of the Wii.

  2. When I read the RSS title only, I figured theyā€™d done a preview of the online function of the Wii.

    Adding an “i” to anything these days is the marketing concept of the moment; Wii, i-pod, ijji.

    Before long we’ll all be taking the i-bus to i-work, sitting at our i-desks, eating our i-sandwiches, coming home to our iwivesi and husbandsii and i-children and going to the grave in a iicoffinii.

    I sure wish I’d patented the letter “i” when I had the chance…

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