New Orleans, still

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Aug 222006

I just watched the last quarter of Spike Lee’s documentary on Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath.

What I want to see in these upcoming elections is a politician who goes to New Orleans and refuses to campaign, and instead puts their money where their mouth is and gets things fixed. Say, for example, a presidential candidate who instead of hanging out in Iowa tells us the country, “as a matter of principle, I’m staying right here until everyone who needs a FEMA trailer has one, and I’ll be on the phone personally to make sure they get one.”

I’d like to think that the voting public would reward such a person.

Aug 212006

The August 18th issue of Entertainment Weekly has a fun little gimmick: six covers, one for each of the James Bond actors, going back in time. It provides an interesting window into the changing pop cultural preoccupations.

In 1995, with Pierce Brosnan on the cover, we see an article on “What’s Hot (And Not) on Laserdisc.” To which today’s response is “what’s laserdisc?” We see a pre-Shakespeare in Love Gwyneth Paltrow insisting that “I’m more than a head in a box.” And the cover article asks, “Do we still need 007 in a post-Cold-War world?” The Brosnan Bond movies of course answered that question; the 1995-era sense that history had ended was turned on its ear in not too many more years.

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