Amazon makes reviews into threads

 Posted by (Visited 4947 times)  Writing
Sep 202006

I suppose that it was inevitable that reviews on Amazon turn into full-fledged threads. In other words, you can now answer a review.

As Making Light points out, however, this just means that lots of authors will start arguing with negative reviews. I shall try to mightily resist getting sucked into this. 🙂

  5 Responses to “Amazon makes reviews into threads”

  1. […] Comments […]

  2. I completely stopped writing reviews on amazon(.de) because they are often censoring out every critical information and turn my review in something that has no resemblence to what I actually wrote. And their changes are in bad german as well.

    And I do not even wrote really bad about the particular books. No inadequate language whatsoever.

    Next thing is, you waver your rights on the review entirely and exclusively to amazon, which means (IANAL), you cannot even republish your rewiev on your website.

  3. Authors should avoid defending thier writing from the critical masses in public forums, its a no win situation for them, and a win situation for the anon trolls who get joy shoveling trollbait. Writers like politicians should read Machiaveli more often, it is better to have your readership fear you than love you.

  4. ugh … Diggazon

    Yeah, this should really raise the maturity level.

  5. Allen wrote:

    Authors should avoid defending their writing from the critical masses in public forums.

    Yep. Like letters to the editor, someone always gets the last laugh — and that someone is usually not the author.

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