MTV bought Harmonix?

 Posted by (Visited 5586 times)  Game talk  Tagged with:
Sep 222006


Now, what was I saying about mainstream media moving in and taking over the non-core gamer market? Hmm.

  6 Responses to “MTV bought Harmonix?”

  1. Looks like industry convergence and collision. Just more of an ongoing trend accross multiple industries it seems..

    Side note: Im working on a graph showing this convergence (business plan fun!) so I can pinpoint for the reader where we’re at, would you say these segments are the ones converging?:
    Gaming Industry
    Online Media
    Traditional Media
    Social Networks

    or perhaps title them differently? any Help is muy appriciado.

  2. IMHO some content providers are getting scared of how tastes are changing; MP3 downloads, then movie downloads, then more time spent on the net than watching TV, then 6 million people playing WOW….it all adds up to uncertain times for providers of old style “content”.

  3. […] Comments […]

  4. Kids are going up with computers and technology; therefore, it is only nature that products and services are produced in mass for the masses.

    The first few owners of cars felt the joys of car ownership. When more and more people can afford to own cars, more roads were built. It’s a natural order of things 🙂

    As for segments, it really depends on your objectives Allen. Online gaming is a convergence on online and gaming 🙂 Try going backwards; from where we are not to where we were before. Just my quick thoughts,


  5. Frank-
    “from where we are not to where we were before.”

    Actually that was my point, what Im trying to show is a value proposition (ours) in relation to where the market itself is converging, my POV being very similar to what Raph proposed in his “Age of Dinos” talk/slides. So from a global perspective, or rather from the perspective of a reader of a business plan, slicing up the segments at the 10,000 foot view (by industry) that are converging is the goal, rather than a more granular “online” and “gaming”. Thus, “Gaming Industry” as an all inclusive term. 🙂

    Sorry if I wasnt clear earlier

  6. Here’s a nice example of mainstream media getting it on with computer games:

    From the BBC’s childrens channel CBBC Bamzooki

    Teams of school children from all over the country get to design and ‘build’ a 3d modelled bot with limited AI and then compete head to head in virtual space.

    You can download the tools and make your own zook too, even if your schooldays are somewhat in the past.

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