Kloonigames and game prototypes

 Posted by (Visited 7513 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: ,
Sep 252006

is a new blog where the author is going to try to make a game month. He did his first one shooting for seven days of development, but actually finished it in three.

I noticed it because of this great summary article with a bunch of pointers to articles on rapid prototyping, something which I consider indispensable to the game design process. It’s worth following all the links, a very handy resource!

  3 Responses to “Kloonigames and game prototypes”

  1. […] Comments […]

  2. Wow – thanks for linking to my blog. I still cannot belive that I got mentioned on the blog of someone I have such a huge respect for. Having my copy of a Theory of Fun laying only few meters from my computer šŸ™‚

  3. Very nice. I am always impressed by projects such as this. Nice indeed.

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