The Sunday Song: Unicorn

 Posted by (Visited 7907 times)  Music, The Sunday Poem
Oct 012006

“I used to have a unicorn.”
It was a strange thing to say in the morning,
But she said it anyway, talking into the pillow,
And her voice was sad, and it caught on the words,
Even as she caught my hand.

“And it was blue, the color of starlight
When it filters through curtains and blinds.
And it sang, as it ran,
And it pranced its madness across the street
And its horn tapped the No Parking sign…”

She said, “I used to have a unicorn,”
And she pulled her sheets way up high.
There was a catch in her voice something like fright
And a cast to her eyes
Like the world grew up too fast.

“I used to have a unicorn
And I knew what it would do.
I knew what was expected
Of youth, and of you.”

And now she’s gone. The sheets are cold.
She didn’t sing her way across the street.
Her footprints shine like moonstained holes.
She’s a fading silver ghost…
I used to have a unicorn.

This was the closing track on After the Flood. I don’t recall exactly what alternate tuning it’s in, but as you can see it’s all based on a very regular, circular pattern — sorta minimalist-Philip Glass-like.

  4 Responses to “The Sunday Song: Unicorn”

  1. I like the song. The soft tone and circular pattern reminded me of Tal Bachman and Shawn Mullins. Admittedly, my first thought when the first line hit was, "Why… why is he singing about a… unicorn? Guys don’t sing about unicorns!"

    I then realized you were singing about a woman. Then it all made sense. 🙂

  2. Great tune, wonderful lyrics, but somehow they don’t mesh together that well.

  3. […] Originally Posted by Speed_D Raph Koster is one of the most overrated, underachieving people in the MMO industry who just happened to be in the right place at the right time. He was more interested in proving his dissertation on MMOs to the world, rather than creating a good game. Go read his idiocy on wolves sometime and then ponder how he nearly dismantled Ultima Online, giving Everquest the opportunity to dominate the market. Funny then SOE hired him (go figure) and EQ quickly lost market share to World of Warcraft. The guy is a hack. Yep, Raph Koster is an asshat. Everything he touches turns to shit. Even his music:…corn/#more-735 […]

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