Players who post, posters who play

 Posted by (Visited 33571 times)  Game talk
Oct 052006

Tide’s Horizon and Lum are both talking about this, but I am frankly a little loath to. I don’t want to come across as criticizing, since that’s not really my intent. But lately there’s been a spate of discussion about what community relations is, whether forums should be run, etc.

As you may know, I have fairly firm opinions on this. But that’s not what I want to talk about just now… and really, what I am saying has little connection to the actual original thread that kickstarted the topic yet again. Edit: since the preceding sentence was apparently not clear enough: this post isn’t about SWG or Chris Cao’s statements. It could just as equally apply to Linden Labs switching to a blog mechanism for communicating to their users, or really any company that sees forums as an adjunct to to the world. Please don’t hijack the discussion to debate a given game’s management.

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Runescape in the Wall Street Journal

 Posted by (Visited 19203 times)  Game talk
Oct 052006

On the plane, I noticed that the center spot on the Marketplace section of the WSJ features an article about Runescape, a title which still seems to inexplicably fly below the radar of the mainstream MMO industry. I didn’t read the article (my seatmate would have objected to my taking the paper from his hands, no doubt!) but I did see that it included speculation as to whether Jagex, the makers of the game, would be the next to be acquired by a major media company, as MySpace was. Alas, the article is hidden behind a for-pay gate, but if you’re a member, I suppose you can get to it.

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Off to Vegas

 Posted by (Visited 6017 times)  Misc
Oct 052006

Sorry for the lack of posts lately… lots to do with the new studio, like finding office space, setting up payroll, and all that. Expect to hear more on that soon. If you happen to be a server programmer, drop me a line, I’ll be hiring soon.

I am off to Vegas for business meetings and the Game Designers Workshop. No, I won’t be gambling. 😛