Off to Vegas
(Visited 5993 times)Oct 052006
Sorry for the lack of posts lately… lots to do with the new studio, like finding office space, setting up payroll, and all that. Expect to hear more on that soon. If you happen to be a server programmer, drop me a line, I’ll be hiring soon.
I am off to Vegas for business meetings and the Game Designers Workshop. No, I won’t be gambling. 😛
13 Responses to “Off to Vegas”
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Raph, your amazing stamina for life-blogging (I mean..hmmm…what was that fashionable trendy term again, life-logging? Life-hacking? you know, reporting stuff all the time?)
…is amazing! You are truly a Renaissance man. With the poetry on Sundays which I always check to make sure *is still coming reliably* even if I don’t actually read it (sorry, it’s more important for me to know THAT you are keeping to a schedule of writing poetry than even examining the poetry!)…with the astute comments even in the depths of trolled-up comments numbering in the high double digits…with your peripatetic game conference-hopping and comments and Powerpoints…and also on top of this apparently even making a game in secret and hiring staff (cool!) — it’s just astounding.
Are you sure you’re not a studio actually in an Internet cafe in China with an avatar actually manned by a team of 40???
It’s amazing.
I always love coming here to see what incredible new thing there will be next. Really, not to flatter or be a fanboyz but you really are a powerhouse of new ideas and insights that do stick out in a dinosaur-trampled metaverse…
You know, it wouldn’t hurt to put a quarter in a slot. It can’t all be the hard work of game-god gaming. You could just live a little, you never know. I won $1000 off the dollar slots in Reno once merely by stopping by on my way through the state.
[…] Comments […]
What about struggling graphic artists/Designers?
I just come here to make sure Prokofy *is still commenting reliably* 😉
So you decided against the Coronado Speed Festival, eh?
Yeah, I would have too, if I were a game designer. Have fun!
[…] Originally posted by HaukenOriginally posted by Ransom73Just an FYI…He has gotten funding, started his own studio, and will be announcing his next project very very soon.Stay pleaseHere’s the link to the entry on his blog, there’s not a lot of info there, more of a teaser than anything else. […]
Congratulation on the new studio! I am a really big fan of your original SWG design. To be honest I haven’t found any other MMOs that come remotely close to the complexity and interdependency that game original had.
Can’t say I have any programming skills, but if you need an inhouse lawyer, I’m your man!
I wish you the best of luck on whatever project you end up developing.
Raph, It’s darned good that you’re opening your own development studio! You have proven yourself time and again as a developer that thinks WAY outside the box. My only regret was that SOE did not simply give you a raise and let you stay in charge of the development of Star Wars Galaxies. Maybe then we would not be experiencing the debacle that is has plagued the game since the Combat Upgrade and subsequent NGE.
Best of luck to you. Please consider giving us a game that lets us use futuristic equipment, drive vehicles, fly space ships, have player cities, strive to unlock the ability to play an ancient mytho-spiritual class which is all but extinct in the known universe today.
In other words, please consider giving us an alternative to Star Wars Galaxies that holds the same awesome gameplay and freedom of self-exploration as what YOU invisioned for that game, but was stripped away after you left.
Many many people would love to have that kind of game back.
May your endeavor be blessed with success.
Don’t want to sound like a “Raph Fanboi”, but whatever you’ll be making, I’ll be playing.
I know one thing, and that is the fact that I’m never going to be satisfied with static games again.
And outside of Spore, you seem to be the only developer with the balls enough to think outside the box, and outside the hack’n slash mindless grind.
I’m 30 now(yes a old gamer), and by the time I’m 35, I expect to once again be in your world Raph.
Good luck, good speed, and show them “we’ll just make clones with different gfx” developers.
Raph, I have to add my vote for a game with all the fun things that SWG had before “the thing that should not be”. You’ve got a strong fanbase of your work, and anything that is complex with interdependant professions would be an instant success I’m sure.
Thanks for keeping us up to date on your activities. We’re all watching and waiting.
I don’t mind sound like a “Raph Fanboi”. I’ll play anything the man touches.
hey! oh man, Now I wonder what will I do till u finish your game hehe, anyways, good luck and Please keep us informed.
[…] It seems he’s set up a new studio. […]