I am (finally) on Twitter: @raphkoster
(Visited 6197 times)Feb 052009
No promises as to how often I will Tweet anything… I am terrible about Facebook status updates too.
In theory, blog posts are being Tweeted automatically — we’ll see!
14 Responses to “I am (finally) on Twitter: @raphkoster”
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Yep it was in my twitter shortly after. So you at least have the blogs going. 🙂
At last, all moments of respite have been eliminated. 😉
I suggest not tweeting your blog posts automatically, it’s kind of bad tweeting etiquette.
It doesn’t take too long to make a personal heading on your posts that you think your Twitter followers would like. If you want your Twitter to be more of a social conversation with the people following you, using automated posts is bad juju. Be personal – you’re good at that!
Let me ease into it. 🙂 Because yes, it does. If I write a 2000 word blog post, then have to go to a site to get a tinyURL for it, then have to go somewhere else to cut and paste it in plus come up with a pithy 100 character summary, yes, it’s a lot of time for me, and a hassle. Typing a blog post title twice on two sites is annoying and I will forget or just not do it. (I am often lazy about even providing links in my posts!)
And I don’t yet know whether I have other things to say, honestly. Keep in mind that I outright disbelieve that Twitter will ever be social in my case — just like Facebook, where I have 1000 friends, Twitter for me is already not about “friends.” I could be wrong. But if there’s 32 following me now — I only know maybe three of them. I may put socially oriented stuff there, but for me, social broadcast media never gets to be about “socializing.” I’ve had random stuff picked up by press far too many times.
So how’s it feel to be a psuedo-celebrity Raph? 😉
I send my mp3 blog and my google shared rss feeds through my twitter account, it is only considered bad etiquette if your twitter account is ONLY a mirror for an rss feed.
What’s the point of living in the future with standardized syndication formats if we can’t use them?
Raph, welcome on Twitter.
Looking forward for the conversation! Already following you.
I only joined Twitter a couple days ago. So far, I like it. I read more blogs than I comment on; Twitter helps me keep in touch with those people. And the character limit prevents me from dragging on like I do in any other format. 🙂
Heh, another long hold out, eh? I just signed up the other day as well. Good to see you over there, though.
It helps tremendously to pick up a lightweight AIR application that sits on your desktop (mins to your toolbar). There are some pretty complex ones out there, but Twhirl is simple enough: http://www.twhirl.org/
You can also set your Facebook account (by adding the Twitter application) to update your status via Twitter. So when you update Twit, Facebook is taken care of. The good thing is that you don’t really have to worry about spamming your friends since it only shows your latest status on their feed.
Have fun with it. We are definitely interested in hearing what you’re up to and your thoughts on things.
I wouldn’t worry about tweeting your blog posts. I have an RSS feeder for that.
I don’t use RSS anymore. I don’t even like opening my feed reader. Too “clean lab”-ish. I try to avoid anything that can’t be used comfortably in a window. Too much work to do. Not enough time to have any one thing take up the screen.
I use RSS many many times a day. But I use Sage, which is a Firefox plugin that just lives in the sidebar, so it doesn’t take up any screen real estate the browser wouldn’t have anyway.
I use Operas built in feeds feature (which is basically just an extension of mail) so I don’t have to bother with extra apps open. Only problem is after a few thousand items it begins to slow the browser down at bit when starting/quiting, so I have to remind myself to clean up old messages (since I don’t think there is an auto-cleanup).
Just an fyi, Twitter will create a tinyurl for you if you paste a long url into the end of your 140 character space. Other 3rd party apps will also do that for you. If you’re a FireFox user I recommend TwitterFox.
Welcome to Twitter 🙂