Ad Lib Game Development Society

 Posted by (Visited 4522 times)  Game talk
Oct 152006

I dig this a lot — it’s like a formalized format for running local Indie Game Jams Check it out here: Ad Lib Game Development Society. Looks like there’s only one chapter right now, but maybe we can prompt the creation of a few more?

The Ad Lib Game Development Society (ALGDS) is an fledgeling organization of intrepid game developers who attempt to challenge, amuse, and better ourselves through the frequent practice of spontaneous, rapid game design and development.

The society itself comprises different local area chapters, called Lodges, each of which adheres to the principles and patterns of the whole while maintaining its own diversity in terms of specific practices.

  4 Responses to “Ad Lib Game Development Society”

  1. Very cool, now I just need to find or help establish a local lodge.

    The trouble is, won’t list the lodge until it’s established and without algds help I don’t have a way to get in touch with people interested in forming one. Seems like a bit of a bootstrapping problem. I would really like to see some kind of mechanism to help people find each other to try and get a lodge going.

  2. Raph –

    Check out the Board Game Designer’s Forum. They have a monthly online design contest to keep your creative juices flowing.

  3. Its stuff like this that I really dig on, Ive been talking lately to my partners about our post launch features, one of the things I’d like to have available to the community is a small indie games digitial distrobution section (when I can afford the increased bandwidth, or offset the cost somehow) and assuming theres a MB limit. I’m very much focused on supporting these types of things and linking them off our sites.

    I’ve been researching this a bit and it seems like its doable its just that I’m not sure of how to set it up legally, because I really dont want to get into the whole “royalties and rights” business but rather only want to facilitate exposure, I guess going under a “creative commons” type set up would work, I just dont have a lot of experiance in this area, any suggestions?

    Great stuff, hope they can get more lodges…

  4. I’ve been considering catching a Game-in-a-day competition or one of the weekend ones thinking it might help me to set aside time to do that sort of thing. I’d love to get involved in an actual group doing this. If anyone in the LA area is interested let me know.

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