(Visited 5930 times)Oct 212006
I meant to blog about Synthravels (which claims to be “The 1st online Virtual Travel Agency”) a few days ago and forgot. So here’s the pointer to it for anyone who hadn’t seen it already.
There were tour groups running in UO in 1997, and I am sure the phenomenon is older than that. But this is the first time I’ve seen an RL business for it.
6 Responses to “Synthravels”
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Then again, it’s not a new idea. As Raph writes, there were tour operators in action in Ultima Online back in 1997, and treasure hunts have been used in virtual worlds for several years to initiate newbies when they first arrive.
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That’s an interesting concept. It’ll come in handy, in part anyways, in deciding if a game is worth buying and trying out. Then again, it’s kind of a spoiler, but what isn’t.
I can’t see this working in EVE….5000 star systems, about 4000 of which are full of instadeath “gatecamps” 🙂
Sounds like tourism in Baghdad. =P
[…] They offer tours of over 20 worlds, from Guild Wars to There, specialising their destination guides according to the topographical and social slant of each space.From their website (reg. req’d):Synthravels is the first organization to offer a complete guide service to all the people who want to make a tour in virtual worlds without knowing these new realities, even if they have never put their feet in these strange, synthetic grounds. Gaming for the terminally lazy and/or the tourist? This could revolutionise the MMOG platform faster than a hawker can set up a holy water stall next to an apparition site. Witness the throngs of business people setting up “My Grandmother went to Azeroth and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt” stands! Be amazed at the flocks wide open to avatar muggers (pdf)! Watch in disbelief as the prices of virtual property shoot through the roof near newly decreed “places” of interest, and plummet in areas without tourist attractions.How absolutely fascinating.Then again, it’s not a new idea. As Raph writes, there were tour operators in action in Ultima Online back in 1997, and treasure hunts have been used in virtual worlds for several years to initiate newbies when they first arrive.But then again, as the gap widens between those who know what “we’re” talking about and those who can’t make heads nor tails of games and virtual worlds, an independent and user-friendly guide to the options may be a great introduction. […]