NPR tackles online worlds

 Posted by (Visited 3987 times)  Game talk
Oct 222006

Aaron Ruby and Heather Chaplin, authors of Smartbomb: The Quest for Art, Entertainment, and Big Bucks in the Videogame Revolution spent a while NPR’s Saturday Weekend Edition discussing “Role-Playing Games, Offering a New Reality” (audio stream) — and despite the title, it’s not about Baldur’s Gate or Final Fantasy, but about MMORPGs.

I haven’t listened to the whole thing yet, but it seems both introductory and yet nicely thorough, covering the basics of how they evolved from MUDs, for example.

  2 Responses to “NPR tackles online worlds”

  1. […] Comments […]

  2. After the brief introductory talk about what MMORPGs are and where they come from the show was all about Second Life. Why am I not surprised? 😛

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