The Medium That Ate the World with extra Yee PARC
(Visited 5389 times)Oct 262006
I was feeling guilty about not having posted much lately (and what I have been posting is mostly reblogs!) and I realized that I probably had stuff lingering on the hard drive that I’d been meaning to upload to the site. One of the first things I stumbled across was the slides from the PARC Forum I gave (PDF). I previously posted links to the audio download (MP3) and video stream as well as a liveblogged summary, but somehow forgot to post the slides themselves. Oops.
This is a good chance to point to Nick Yee’s PARC Forum from earlier this year, too, entitled “The Blurring Boundaries of Play: Labor, Genocide, and Addiction.” Worth checking out.
5 Responses to “The Medium That Ate the World with extra Yee PARC”
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The video stream of your presentation broke or probably ended before you were finished speaking, which sucked cause I’m sittin there trying to focus on the talk and wammo gone, nomore lol. Thats not in magic circle Raph!
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For some weird reason the last page of the PDF document is making me laugh a whole lot 🙂
I had the same problem as Mark, right at 46:05. But you can forward it to 47:xx and watch the rest.
I think that you might have frightened a few of the people there, but I enjoyed it. Given that I just finished reading A Theory of Fun the other week, I saw it as a summary/recap of the book.
Feeling guilty about not posting? Well, you can always start releasing information about your MMO in the works 😛