Multiverse open beta

 Posted by (Visited 14201 times)  Game talk
Oct 312006

Looks like Multiverse is ready to show some stuff off. they have announced open beta on their forums. (via ReBang).

  12 Responses to “Multiverse open beta”

  1. to fit firmly on the line of hardcore MMOs, just with the goal of an easier to develop, cheaper to deploy, solution. Kaneva has a similar model, but has seen little success. Multiverse Network :: View topic – Announcing the Multiverse Open Beta (via Raph

  2. Been travelling a few days so have only been able to keep up with comments. Just a few quick updates: I updated Links page with a few additions, notably Mike Rozak’s MMORPG Dev Kit list, which he referenced in the comment thread about Multiverse at Raph’s place. Multiverse Client is now available, though you can only move and chat in it (apparently, since I can’t get it to work well yet). You’ll need to register a free account with a valid email address so you can confirm it.

  3. point. How does one choose a platform to create an MMOG and secure a quarter-million-dollar grant to do so without researching the progress of the technology and what it is capabilities it offers? Did Castronova miss the barrage of press releases andbuzzthat was printed from a variety of sources describing Multiverse’s Beta opening at the end of October 2006? Conclusion: More Harm Than Good Arden’s blunders have tarnished Multiverse’s reputation and also raise questions about the viability of

  4. […] Comments […]

  5. What are the differences between this and say..Kaneva (sp?)

  6. Huh, i see it uses OGRE. Haven’t played with that for a while.

    When i was playing with OGRE’s .mesh format, i recall it being really wonky from an art standpoint…. It has been a few years sense then..

    Still reading about multiverce.

    I only ask, and am commenting because I have seen/read you post about this solution before, so I’m curious as to maybe why you are interested in this solution over some of the others available.

  7. Multiverse to me falls on a spectrum of “user content” MMO platforms that at one end is embodied by Second Life, and which at the other end is middleware platforms like Emergent and Hero’s Engine. Multiverse (and Kaneva) fall somewhere in the middle — attempts to create reference platforms for MMOs that can be used by anyone. So that’s why it’s interesting to me.

  8. Then may i offer another. This one, being an independiant devlopment is based off of a nother “indie” priced and scaled engine.

    The torque game engine + MMOkit = MMO devlopment solutions at a trueley “indi” price range.

    Total cost, about 300$ and you have your bace engine.

  9. I can’t find any info on MMOKit on that site. What does it actually give you?

  10. Sorry, most Sorry, most of the discussion and postings about releases are done on the Garage games site. As the technology (Torque just got updated to 1.5 with some new features)

    Link to Partial features list

    At its core, it gives you the database hookups, Dialog, player customization, Networking, Melee (keep in mind Torque is out-the-box a FPS engine for the most part but has been used for TONS of game types)ETC.. Basically the “Core” functionality of MMO’s.

    Mostly? It gives inexperienced developers tutorials, sample artwork, a community of like minded developers as well as the basic framework to create a MMO on an independent level.

    While not completely related. The Torque game engine is responsible for games such as Marble blast (and Ultra on the Xbox), MoM (only MMO I’m aware of using Middleware solutions that is enjoying a measure of success created by an independent group with no financial backing other than a real job) , and The music lounge. So, under this Kits hood is a very stable, capable and expandable engine.

    Now, I don’t work for them, I have no connections to GG or the Kit, I just like to promote independent tools, and communities in game development. And I’m sure that a lot of people only hear or see the “AAA” solutions that are mostly out of range or scope of independent developers.

    With alterations, a very solid MMO could be made with the right people, for VERY low overhead. Documented so that even a novice can make SOMTHING as long as they can read and learn.

    While it doesn’t give you tools per-say.. (In the TGE the “world” or scene editor, as well as terrain ETC.. tools are built in) it does support a large amount of low-cost and high-end tools for content creation. (support a lot of tools like 3dsMAX, and lightwave, all the way down to Milkshape).

    The TGE comes in three flavors, 2d, 3d, and shader. Depending on your target specifications.

    The mmoKit is for TGE (Torque game engine) and soon TGEA (Torque game engine Advanced, AKA Shader engine).

    I will say, I am using TGE for my current project, and Independent title, of my own design, inspired by some of your work in past games you have created.

  11. Speaking of user created content, you realy should look at MoM’s features list if you havent all ready.

  12. I’ve been compiling a list of MMORPG development kits on . I just learned about two new ones today that I need to add.

  13. […]… [Found on Google, Yahoo! Search] 6. Raph’s Website » Multiverse open beta The torque game engine + MMOkit = MMO devlopment solutions at a trueley … I can’t find any […]

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