NPR tackles online worlds

 Posted by (Visited 3987 times)  Game talk
Oct 222006

Aaron Ruby and Heather Chaplin, authors of Smartbomb: The Quest for Art, Entertainment, and Big Bucks in the Videogame Revolution spent a while NPR’s Saturday Weekend Edition discussing “Role-Playing Games, Offering a New Reality” (audio stream) — and despite the title, it’s not about Baldur’s Gate or Final Fantasy, but about MMORPGs.

I haven’t listened to the whole thing yet, but it seems both introductory and yet nicely thorough, covering the basics of how they evolved from MUDs, for example.


 Posted by (Visited 5930 times)  Game talk
Oct 212006

I meant to blog about Synthravels (which claims to be “The 1st online Virtual Travel Agency”) a few days ago and forgot. So here’s the pointer to it for anyone who hadn’t seen it already.

There were tour groups running in UO in 1997, and I am sure the phenomenon is older than that. But this is the first time I’ve seen an RL business for it.

Oct 202006

In the last few days, I’ve seen this huge huge spike in the web traffic for the book’s website. I have no idea why. Glancing at the logs, I see that a lot of it seems to be driven by downloads of presentations such as the keynote I gave at Training Fall 2005.

This got me curious as to whether this was driven by academic traffic, since that group was trainers and educators. Are you using A Theory of Fun as a text?

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MaxiVista rocks

 Posted by (Visited 11612 times)  Misc
Oct 192006

After playing with the demo for a week, I just bought MaxiVista.

Basically, what this does is create a new monitor driver on your desktop that is actually a network connection to another computer. So you run it on your main machine, and then you run a client on your laptop, and boom, you have two monitors. In my case, my main desktop is a widescreen Viewsonic that runs at 1680 x 1050; my Tablet PC runs at 1400 x 1050. So now I have a 3080 x 1050 display. (Alas, the physical size of the tablet is smaller, so even though the resolution is an exact match, it’s not as cool as it could be if the screens were the same size).

But wait, there’s more.

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Games for Health Competition

 Posted by (Visited 5220 times)  Game talk
Oct 192006

Got this press release passed on from my editor, Ben Sawyer, whose other life is all about those Serious Games thingies.

ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON FOUNDATION ANNOUNCES GAMES FOR HEALTH COMPETITION $30,000 Competition Encourages Innovative Ways to Address Health and Health Care Issues Through the Power of Video Games October 19, 2006 – The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) today announced a nationwide contest to promote the development of computer and video games that improve people’s health and help them get the care they need.

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