The Sunday Poem: Do limericks have titles anyway?
(Visited 9507 times)Nov 052006
There once was this erstwhile poet
Who swore, “I’ll post Sundays, ya know it!”
But a weekend away
Left no time to stray
So the conference* caused him to blow it.
*Project Horseshoe, that is. Where there were multiple limericks delivered, in fact. Plus that old blue joke about the bagpipe and the octopus who walks into a bar.
5 Responses to “The Sunday Poem: Do limericks have titles anyway?”
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There was a fellow called Raph
Who held down a job and a half
While mostly unfounded
Still rumours abounded
His blogging was done by his staff
I’ve always enjoyed a good laugh
better when started by Raph
Hope the poems will continue
What will this post turn into?
But don’t want to feel that I must take a bath
I’m looking for a new game
Sadly they are all the same
Fantasy hack and slash snore
Is all thats at the game store
Please make an MMO thats not lame
After reading through these, i think we should all agree to leave the poetry to Raph.
At least his limerick scans.
With Cael I will have to agree
To Raph we should leave poetry
‘Tis his gift I say
So wait til Sunday
And poems again we will see.