
 Posted by (Visited 13946 times)  Game talk
Nov 102006

Some games try to give you the sensation of being Spiderman.

Other games try to tell the truth about it. Heh.

  13 Responses to “Wish-fulfillment”

  1. ARGGGHHHH!!!! 🙂

  2. Wild … ly frustrating. And addicting, 56.6 so far.

  3. […] Comments […]

  4. I need a valium after playing that…..

  5. If Parker were as awkward a teen as he’s supposed to be, Spider Man wouldn’t survive the first half of the first movie.

  6. A little work on the controls and this could be a very addictive game. Right now it’s too much of a PITA to play to actually enjoy it.

  7. Applying Raph’s theory about learning, five more minutes in teh game and I started to get the how’s of it. My best run is 108 as of yet. This si something I’ll save and let my kids play with. It’s a good way to teach them something about gravity and whatnot. Not scientificially, but at least in concept.

  8. Springy webbing. I think I was busier laughing at the concept than trying to learn how to play. It’s like… snag! Aaaaaah-SLAM. Ow…

  9. Hey, that’s not cool! I died by going too high!?

  10. Reminds me a bit of Hamster Toss, though for some wierd reason, six months after playing the heck out of it, I can find it nowhere. Thank goodness for caches 🙂

    Fun times.

  11. Hahaha… thats a very interesting example of using a game to prove a point. I died very quickly…

  12. 183.67 YD! Err… I think I played too much 😉

    I think my stick man has more concussions then I can count though.

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