Troubleshooting RSS

 Posted by (Visited 5331 times)  Misc
Nov 142006

We’ve done a little bit of work to try getting the RSS feeds working properly. It would, however, be helpful to have more data. We have resynced, we have repinged it from Feedburner, and we fixed a warning that showed up on the feed validator (turns out that WP2.0 comes out of the box with an out of date bit of markup: wfw:commentRSS should be wfw:commentRss, and you fix it in wp-rss2.php).

If you got this post via RSS, what feed were you using? Atom, RSS 1, RSS 2, via Feedburner’s link or direct, and with what reader?

If you didn’t get this post via RSS and should have, same questions!

Edit: Well, for whatever reason, the URLs, /feed/atom, /feed/rss, and /feed/rss2 were non-functional, redirected to the front page. So readers of course saw that as malformed RSS. A bit of .htaccess voodoo seems to have fixed it, but I still don’t know why those URLs didn’t work by default, given that and /wp-atom.php and /wp-rss2.php worked fine.

Anyway, all of those now redirect to FeedBurner as well, so everything should (cross your fingers) be working right.

  9 Responses to “Troubleshooting RSS”

  1. My reader is pointed at and I got this entry fine. I’m using “Liferea”, for Linux.

  2. Came here on a whim; I have Bloglines set to watch and it did not catch any of the posts since “Site Issues”. It has historically had trouble with redirects (Alice’s change was particularly painful), though.

  3. oh, Bloglines is working fine now.

  4. This now shows up in my news reader (Google homepage)

  5. Sorry ( you need an edit) VIA

  6. REading ?feed=rss2 using Google Reader – and I don’t seem to have missed anything.

  7. I use the URI via Akregator. It’s now working fine!

  8. I use Google Reader ( and I’m getting it via ( It’s coming through loud and clear, and as far as I know I haven’t missed any posts thus far.

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