More site housekeeping

 Posted by (Visited 7183 times)  Misc
Nov 152006

Just a quick bulleted list.

  • I seem to have managed to ditch 300-400 feed subscribers in the upgrade somehow. Sorry, folks. If you’re one of those, resub. I don’t know why it’s not working for you now. Looks like the bulk of the losses are via Bloglines, but all of Bloglines’ feeds look healthy at this point. If you know someone who had a feed and might not anymore, spread the word that it’s OK to come back, the water’s fine.
  • Amazingly, even with the downtime, the traffic to the site itself seems to be right on track. Not sure how we managed that one!
  • I finally got around to putting up my CV and updating the bio on the Gaming front page. If you see any other egregiously out of date stuff, post here (except for the Timeline, I know about that one).
  • Cafepress fixed the CD link after weeks of it not working — yes, I actually got emails about this one. (Crass self-promotion: So if you were craving more of the music on the blog, try that. It makes a nice Xmas present. *hint hint*. You can also try the book; Amazon says they’re just about out of it, but they’ll reorder more if you keep buying them.)
  • Lastly, sorry to disappoint the folks over at RLMMO, but to my knowledge I am not working on a Firefly MMO. Badass idea, though!

  16 Responses to “More site housekeeping”

  1. The obvious fix is here:

    Where it says: “I now work for Sony Online Entertainment.”

    Morgan mentioned it, when you first let it slip back at GDC. =P

  2. A firefly MMO would totally rock. Are you sure you couldn’t start working on one? 😉

  3. You know… that really IS a badass idea! Too bad it’s not true.. Man I loved Firefly… so sad it’s never coming back..

  4. firefly MMO would totally rock. Are you sure you couldn’t start working on one?

    I’m with him.

    Speaking of working, whatcha working on Raph? 😛

  5. Actually, I think you can expect an announcement within the next month or so.

  6. Is it an MMO? Of some flavor..

    And, while your “Fixing” your site, mabye its a good time to reskin it, or make a few other skins…

    This one is not “Teh Sexey”.

  7. Heh. Anyone who wants to re-skin the site should feel free. I don’t really have the time right now…

  8. The obvious fix is here:

    Where it says: “I now work for Sony Online Entertainment.”

    Morgan mentioned it, when you first let it slip back at GDC. =P


  9. I’ve thought about doing a reskin and sending it in, too, but I’ve never found the time and I can live just fine with the current, so I’m not complaining.

    If I find myself with nothing better to do one day, I might mess with it. =P

    And dear God. Why do people keep asking for MMOs? STOP! It depresses me. This is not yet the right time for MMOs to go mainstream. To quote Abalieno, “But if this is true then why EVERY MMO company has two, three, four MMOs in development when they can HARDLY support one?” (source)

  10. And dear God. Why do people keep asking for MMOs? STOP! It depresses me. This is not yet the right time for MMOs to go mainstream. To quote Abalieno, “But if this is true then why EVERY MMO company has two, three, four MMOs in development when they can HARDLY support one?”

    Agoraphobia and addictive personalities?

  11. I’m definitely in the boat of “Firefly MMO? Yes please!” And frankly I’d be hard pressed to think of a designer I’d rather see do it. Raph has a better sense of doing skill or profession based design and applying it to more than just fighting/leveling oriented games, which I think would be KEY to properly doing a Firefly MMO.

    It’s times like this that I really wish I had Joss Whedon’s email address…

  12. Personally, I’m relieved to hear that he’s not making a Firefly MMO. Something like that would wreck havok on the world. Cities and economies would collapse, countless millions would waste away in front of their computer screens -refusing to tear themselves away for even a moment.

    If Raph made a Firefly MMO, I’m fairly certain that it would bring an end to civilized society.

  13. What would like as far as skins look?

  14. Raph, good morning !

    Working on a foreign IP (if Firefly or Flyfire…whatever) is prolly not what anyone is looking for, i can understand this. The personal freedom of designing is kind of “castrated”, besides having an IP-owner constantly babbling in your work.
    But i do think, since there is a group crazy enough to put hands on some creative stuff, you might want to share your wisdom and “fetilize” the guys over at RLMMO with your great knowledge. Maybe you find the time and drop in there. I think they would love to get an “onlineinterview” from you, 10 questions. If you would do that, you get a doughnut from me, personally. Deal ?


  15. Agoraphobia and addictive personalities?

    The term “reckless endangerment” comes to mind.

  16. […] Raph Koster denied involvement last month, before it was even announced. […]

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