Stupid spam and CPU…

 Posted by (Visited 4912 times)  Misc
Nov 172006

So I once again got a high CPU warning on the site. I go and check the logs, and I find that just querying comments is slow. This is what they told me last week, and I optimized the tables then; I didn’t espect to have problems again so soon.

A quick Google led me to the Codex where I learned that all those comments I marked as spam (many of which are marked automatically) are all still stored.

This quickie step took care of fully 14MB worth of spam comments out of the 25MB comments DB:

DELETE FROM `wp_comments` WHERE `comment_approved` = ‘spam’

I guess this means that the blog can run another year before I need to upgrade hosting!

  7 Responses to “Stupid spam and CPU…”

  1. One more year? No subscriber growth plans Raph? ;P

  2. Um, I have no need of a subscriber growth plan. Have you checked the “About the blog” page lately? Nice steady growth upwards. Not enough to outpace the growth of the web, though, so we keep slipping down the Technorati ranks…

  3. Raph wrote: Um, I have no need of a subscriber growth plan.

    Ah, but do you have a growth management plan? 🙂

  4. Come on now Raph! We know that this blog is a sham to build an audience for your next project. 😉

  5. Heh. If you check the dates, you know that the site’s been running since long before I had much of an audience for anything….

  6. I’ve been using Spam Karma on all of my WordPress blogs for a few months now. It’s highly effective. Only once have I ever seen it flag a non-spam comment, and I’ve never had any spam get through it. It’s based on a genetic algorithm, so you can teach it not to repeat any mistakes it makes. There are a great many settings that affect its evaluation of each comment.

    You can also avoid the problem you just had, as it can delete all of the spam it catches at a time interval you specify, or you can delete them all yourself with a button click. And unlike Akismet, it doesn’t require any external services — everything is handled locally. I can’t say enough good about it.

    You can read more about it here:

    And as a disclaimer, I have no affiliation with Dr. Dave. I’m just a very happy user.

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