Raph on NPR’s Talk of the Nation

 Posted by (Visited 5412 times)  Game talk
Nov 212006

Looks like I will be on Talk of the Nation on NPR tomorrow, for a segment on games, gaming culture, the gaming business, the console transition, and so on. Lev Grossman will be another guest, and… I’m blanking on the other person.

  6 Responses to “Raph on NPR’s Talk of the Nation”

  1. Bill O’Reilly?

  2. It must be O’Reilly…. I think he has to save us from our gadgets, since they’re obviously sucking our life away.

  3. […] Comments […]

  4. Some one better record it, i cant stream things at work =(

  5. Some one better record it, i cant stream things at work =(

    If it is on Talk of the Nation, then NPR will have a it recorded on their website. Usually shows up at around 6PM Eastern.

    You can find the links here.

    Sorry, I’m a real NPR nerd.

  6. […] According to Raph’s blog, he is set to appear on Talk of the Nation, a call in radio program, to discuss gaming. […]

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