Raph on NPR : Talk of the Nation today

 Posted by (Visited 7004 times)  Misc
Nov 222006

Just a reminder that I will be on NPR : Talk of the Nation today. People can in fact call in, but the topic is not the NGE! 😉

The link I just gave should have an audio stream up later today, I am told.

  7 Responses to “Raph on NPR : Talk of the Nation today”

  1. […] LOL @ Raph I read his blog, funny.. https://www.raphkoster.com/2006/11/22…-nation-today/ __________________ BF2 – [l2p]Kutller // WOW US Ursin – Kutller […]

  2. LOL Raph 🙂

    I look forward to listening today!


  3. Well done, Raph. Of course, if I have to do any public speaking, there are a lot of “Um…” and stuttering. So who am I to judge?

  4. Hrm, I remember reading somewhere that females now account for more than half of interactive entertainment consumers.

  5. Raph you’re the man.

  6. You’ll be talking about the NGE! Sweeeeet!

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