Upgrade complete

 Posted by (Visited 7184 times)  Misc
Nov 132006

So, I think I have managed to do the upgrade. I will be messing a bit with the quicktags for comments in a moment, to put in the latest version of that plugin. Post here if you see any issues anywhere on the site.

Site issues

 Posted by (Visited 4841 times)  Misc
Nov 132006

Looks like the site overloaded SQL today. So I am taking an immediate backup, optimizing tables, then upgrading to WP 2.0. Expect the blog to be MIA for a little while…

Nov 122006

In the middle of the night, coughing, I resorted to one of those mentholated Halls cough drops; candy with a bite. Drifting off to sleep, a few iambs popped into my head, and here I am now, posting a Sunday Poem at 3:07 am.


A single stagnant drop of sugar, caught and coalesced and cooked to crystal shine.
It’s fricative and fresh, this lump or lolly, taffy, toffee, gumdrop, goo or fairy dust.
It conjures summers, jujubes and dimes. A stick of pixie, lips of wax, and time
To race about, the dog at heel, the swarm of kids, the tinkling ice cream truck, the sweat.

The sweet is sharp; your tongue gets bumps. A crack can catch your gums, cut you, leave wounds as small
As any cut inside your mouth: enormous, one more thing to suck on, strawberry.
We face the same hard choice of every day: to crunch would be to hurry it along.
It’s sweeter far to savor sweets and time before the time and sweets are soft, then gone.

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Another Grand Master gone

 Posted by (Visited 4627 times)  Game talk
Nov 112006

KVIA.com in El Paso is reporting that Jack Williamson has passed away at the age of 98.

He will perhaps be best remembered for Darker Than You Think, a stunning novel of slipping into wildness (I once used it as a comparison to the work of Christopher Isherwood in a grad school seminar), and of course the classic The Humanoids… but he remained astonishingly contemporary into his very last years, writing books that seemed to come from the pen of someone a quarter of his age.

I highly recommend his Wonder’s Child: My Life in Science Fiction, an autobiography that takes you from rural farm boy to professor in an astonishing career that seems like science fiction in itself.

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