Cesspit’s Back, Darniaq’s gone

 Posted by (Visited 4945 times)  Game talk
Dec 062006

Another day, more changes to the blogroll.

  10 Responses to “Cesspit’s Back, Darniaq’s gone”

  1. Yeah, right… Abalieno said he was done, and then eight days later he starts up again. Who’s to say that Darniaq doesn’t do the same thing? The logic behind both stated reasonings for "leaving" doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. First there was Abalieno’s vague reason that he wasn’t "part of things" and that he doesn’t feel righted to be a commentator. Now we have Darniaq claiming that he wants to "be part of a community of conversation".

    Guys, blogs are parts of a whole—they are simply media for participating in larger communities. They aren’t required to participate, but they—as sure as death and taxes—make sifting through the garbage on the Web for jewels of insight much easier and more convenient. Don’t shut up to participate; get louder, be stronger. And please don’t pretend to be silent for more website traffic.

  2. Who is to say what reasons people have for setting it aside and picking it back up again? I do agree with your statements, but most humans are complex beasts. I’d personally not hasten to update my blogroll every time someone quits.

    In general, content is crucial, but sometimes tenacity is of equal merit. Especially, if you’re facing adversity in whatever form it presents (real or imagined).

  3. Now we have Darniaq claiming that he wants to “be part of a community of conversation”.

    You know me well enough to realize I already am part of that community. We’re just not traveling in the same circles these days.

    As to whether I’ll be “back” someday or not, I’m a firm believer in not making binary statements. Life is too fluid for a rigid worldview. But the reasons I’m halting now are broader than just not having my heart in it anymore.

  4. covert.c. wrote:

    Who is to say what reasons people have for setting it aside and picking it back up again?

    They do.

    Darniaq wrote:

    But the reasons I’m halting now are broader than just not having my heart in it anymore.

    I was only commenting on what you and Abalieno presented. After all, I’m not a mind reader.

    I’m a firm believer in not making binary statements. Life is too fluid for a rigid worldview.

    You wrote, "But the time has come to shut it down. … What I’ve realized is that [I would] prefer to be part of a community of conversation …" That reads like, "I’m done because I don’t think I’m part of a community." If you were only suspending your activities as a blogger, I believe you would have explicitly mentioned something along the lines of granting yourself a reprieve. If you are merely lessening the degree of your participation in the blogosphere, as you seem to hint at here, I think your farewell was overly dramatic, but not quite as dramatic as Abalieno’s farewell which gave me a strong impression that he really was "done".

  5. Muhaha! Muahaha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Phew! 🙂

  6. And please don’t pretend to be silent for more website traffic.


    Anyway, I continued to write because some things changed along the way that I didn’t expect. And my own site is still slated to be closed for good with the end of this month.

    No bluff, and I don’t care a goddamn thing about traffic. I never ever went look the stats on my own site if not to check if I was within limits. I don’t look how many contacts I get, I don’t look referral links. Nothing.

    I just read and write.

  7. Morgan, this matters more to you for some reason than it does to others. If there was more to say, then I would have said it. I don’t think it’s worthy anyone’s time to debate nuance and semantics though. I’m not that important 🙂

  8. Well you guys could always write content for our site after launch, we’ll need contributors. God knows my writing sucks. Anyhow I can pay you in well….I’ll give you free GLM baseball hats! :)~~

    THAT is sweet sweet remuneration that cannot be denied!

    Now if I could just find a developer to do a 15 question email interview for launch….I might even throw in a shirt and a hat for that!

  9. Heh. I was wondering why I hadn’t pulled Abalieno’s feed off my reader. And it keeps telling me there are unread posts after I click them away. =P

    darniaq: “I’m not that important.” Ha. Hahaha. *chokes* That was good. I think you guys have played too much Ultima. What am I going to do now? Read Grimwell? You never get readers if you’re irrelevant.

  10. Come to think about it, I think The Noob Comic would fit nicely into your links. IMHO.

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