Top 100 blogs for MMO gamers

 Posted by (Visited 6315 times)  Game talk
Dec 082006

Jeff Freeman » Top 100 blogs for MMO gamers is a neat list that captures the general vicnity of the blogosphere for game devs. The methodology seems a trifle exotic, but it’s neat nonetheless.

It inspired me to go look for some other stats:

  • I show 152 Bloglines subscribers yesterday, split across like 4 or 5 feeds.
  • I show 706 total feed subscribers yesterday (I’ve gone as high as 1000 some days).
  • I get way way more traffic direct than via feeds.

You could also try measuring via Technorati rank. Some of the popular dev blogs: 6432
Zen of Design: 39628
Broken Toys: 21622
Jeff Freeman: 186167
Wonderland: 10564
Lost Garden: 20036
Psychochild: 46313

Lastly, if everyone has tagged their blogs correctly, you can also search by tag on Technorati… try MMORPG or “games” for interesting lists.

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