Favorite posts this year?

 Posted by (Visited 5239 times)  Misc
Dec 232006

As part of my relentless and pointless self-examination (all intended to bring you a Better Blog(tm), of course), I’m curious as to which posts you liked the most this year.

Besides, that way I can skate by with a very slight blog post today while not looking like I am ignoring the blog altogether.

I’m curious for nominations in the following categories:

  • fave post
  • stupidest post
  • poem that most went deservedly unread
  • poem that you read and afterwards didn’t regret
  • least disliked piece of music
  • wait, we post music here?
  • post most skeptical of SL’s numbers
  • laziest post (this one excluded)

And so on. Feel free to propose new categories too. 🙂

  5 Responses to “Favorite posts this year?”

  1. I like this post, but of course, that’s probably because I’m quoted… completely.

    Laziest post? Probably the “Announcing Areae” post given the timer, one line directing visitors to go somewhere else for content, and a picture that says more than a thousand words — by other people. 🙂

  2. UO’s resource system.

  3. My favorite post was the one where I wrote something asnine, acerbic, inflammatory, mean, or otherwise engaged in misunderstood forms of self contratulatory insight…..crap, thats most of the threads….

    ALternativly, the post where Morgan basically calls me a jackass for posting something really uncalled for….I cant recall the thread and I’m sure not going to dig it up myself…

    Otherwise I’ll take “NPD Market Segmentation Study”
    for $100 Pat…..

  4. Wait scratch that lets talk about SL numbers. Since thats going to be a topic of interest in the coming months…

    I’m hoping that PR of LL is very careful in the coming months. Sometimes its best to put the PR people on a time out….afterall it is not thier names who appear in/on print/web.

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