As we drove through San Dimas…

 Posted by (Visited 9320 times)  Misc
Dec 312006

…today, we noticed that the local high school team is called the Saints, not the Wyld Stallyns. A pity.

In any case, Happy New Year. Be excellent to one another. 🙂

  14 Responses to “As we drove through San Dimas…”

  1. Happy New Year to you and your family, Raph, and thank you for the advice.

  2. Happy New Year Raph! ..and wow it’s been a really long time since I’ve seen those movies.. Thanks for the reminder! I can’t even imagine what they would have been like if they were remade today… *shudder* =)

    Be safe!

  3. Happy New Year… Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K

  4. And party on, dudes!

  5. happy new year raph!

  6. Best wishes for 2007 for all the denizens of raph’s blog

  7. San Dimas High School football rules!

  8. My air guitar salutes you.

  9. Happy New Year to you and yours, Raph.

    I think San Dimas has been the Saints from the beginning. It seems to ring a bell, anyway. The first year that High School opened my HS, the previous year’s cross country champs, had a match with them. We swept the Frosh/Soph — the only first place I ever earned — and did okay in JV, but the reason we had an easy time is because they loaded Varsity with all their best. They were also misplaced as a 4A school and had a lot more talent. The next year they went to 3A, I believe, or perhaps jumped to 2A.

    Oh, and a Happy New Year to everyone else as well. 🙂

  10. Happy New Year to everyone, except for Daniel James (who claims to be returning to his blog). Happy New Yarr to him.

  11. I don’t think anyplace in the movie they actually say what the mascot of the High School team actually is… And Bill and Ted’s band was named Wyld Stallyn.

    Some things from the movie’s trivia, that may or may not be relevant: The exterior shots of Bill and Ted’s high school are of Coronado High School in Scottsdale, Arizona. The Circle-K -IS- in San Dimas at the corner of Walnut and Arrow Highway.

    Happy New Year, and PARTY ON DUDES!

  12. Some more movie Trivia:

    You can see my great Aunt and Uncle (may they rest in Peace) in the opening scene of that movie, yes, they were in fact the frisky old couple that did The Clapper commercial.

  13. Some more movie Trivia: Wait, you beat me to it! Yes, alot of the original was filmed here in Arizona. I even had an extra spot in it and a friend of mine road his motorcycle up the school steps for a scene that was later dropped… oh well.

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