The algorithm or art

 Posted by (Visited 13049 times)  Game talk
Dec 022006

Recently, I’ve read not one but two articles on using algorithms to predict the success of movies. In both cases, the analysts start with a script (one team uses human analysts, the other a computer), then analyze it for key elements, plot twists, setting, characters, and so on. Then they use what appears to be regression analysis to determine the degree of commonality the script has with other hits.

And it works. Hits show up. Misses are clearly seen.

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Looks like my webhost hiccuped

 Posted by (Visited 4295 times)  Misc
Dec 022006

And in the process ate part of a day of posts and comments. I’ll see about rewriting the stuff or digging it out of a cache, I suppose. Looks like I lost:

  • “Algorithm or art” — about using regression analysis to analyze common patterns in hits
  • The Games for Change closing address
  • The brief thing on what teens like in avatars

Any more? And anyone got caches?

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