So this morning, I thought I’d get up at 6am to see if there was any chance whatsoever of getting a Wii. The Target store close by where I live had, according to the Net, an allocation of 80 units, and it opened at 8am. Plus, there’s a Starbucks next door. I grabbed my digital camera, figuring “Hey, even if it’s insane, at least I’ll have pictures I can put on the blog, right?” That turned out to be a good call. Nice big panorama pics after the jump…
The Sunday Poem: Wii
(Visited 4568 times)The wee ones might want a Wii;
Restrain yourself from shouting “Whee!”
Sneezes and coughs
& freezing your ass off
Are all the lines buy you, you see.
Expect another post with big panorama pictures of the lines shortly.
If you were looking for A Theory of Fun…
(Visited 4488 times)You might have noticed that Amazon says that it’s almost out of stock, with 4-6 weeks for delivery.
The good news it, it’s going back for a third printing, so the publisher tells me that it should be back in stock soon.
Answering Michelle: Pooling CS data
(Visited 7359 times)This popped up in a comment thread, and I thought it was a good question to post as an actual post.
All VWs with rules suffer to some degree exploits and avoidances of those rules. Traditionally the people running the VW deal with their troublemakers alone, banning just them. However I’m willing to bet that those abusing one game will do so again in another. Will the time come where separate VW managements share details of those who break their ToS, resulting in “banned in one, banned in all”?
Stupid spam and CPU…
(Visited 4918 times)So I once again got a high CPU warning on the site. I go and check the logs, and I find that just querying comments is slow. This is what they told me last week, and I optimized the tables then; I didn’t espect to have problems again so soon.
A quick Google led me to the Codex where I learned that all those comments I marked as spam (many of which are marked automatically) are all still stored.
This quickie step took care of fully 14MB worth of spam comments out of the 25MB comments DB:
DELETE FROM `wp_comments` WHERE `comment_approved` = ‘spam’
I guess this means that the blog can run another year before I need to upgrade hosting!