More Second Life stats

 Posted by (Visited 10614 times)  Game talk
Nov 172006

Yeah, the post over at Electric Sheep is actually about CopyBot, and the meeting that Philip Linden held yesterday. But there were stats dropped, and as we all know, this blog likes stats. 🙂

There are some economic stats there, but by and large, there’s no other worlds to compare them to, so there’s little point in reprinting them as they mostly just come across as breathless numbers. More interesting are the ones that we have a basis for comparison:
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More site housekeeping

 Posted by (Visited 7189 times)  Misc
Nov 152006

Just a quick bulleted list.

  • I seem to have managed to ditch 300-400 feed subscribers in the upgrade somehow. Sorry, folks. If you’re one of those, resub. I don’t know why it’s not working for you now. Looks like the bulk of the losses are via Bloglines, but all of Bloglines’ feeds look healthy at this point. If you know someone who had a feed and might not anymore, spread the word that it’s OK to come back, the water’s fine.
  • Amazingly, even with the downtime, the traffic to the site itself seems to be right on track. Not sure how we managed that one!
  • I finally got around to putting up my CV and updating the bio on the Gaming front page. If you see any other egregiously out of date stuff, post here (except for the Timeline, I know about that one).
  • Cafepress fixed the CD link after weeks of it not working — yes, I actually got emails about this one. (Crass self-promotion: So if you were craving more of the music on the blog, try that. It makes a nice Xmas present. *hint hint*. You can also try the book; Amazon says they’re just about out of it, but they’ll reorder more if you keep buying them.)
  • Lastly, sorry to disappoint the folks over at RLMMO, but to my knowledge I am not working on a Firefly MMO. Badass idea, though!

Dibbell on NPR

 Posted by (Visited 9164 times)  Game talk
Nov 152006

My dad just called me to let me know that Julian Dibbell was on NPR’s Fresh Air program talking about Exploring the Online Gaming World. I haven’t listened to it yet, but hey, when this stuff reaches my dad, you know it’s seeping into the mass consciousness. I guess all those Second Life articles are having an effect. 😉


 Posted by (Visited 94379 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , ,
Nov 152006

It certainly seems like everyone is talking about this issue. Both Cory and Robin have had their say, Second Lifers are organizing boycotts and ‘legislation’, and the original authors of the code that led to CopyBot seem slightly flummoxed by the whole thing.

In short, what’s happening is a small-scale social crisis that brings into sharp relief the split between the hacker-ethic-libertarian-info-must-be-free ethos that underpins much of the technology of virtual worlds, and the rampant commercialism that has actually enabled its embodiment. What we have here is a case of bone fighting blood.

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Another day, another SL mention on CNN

 Posted by (Visited 9700 times)  Misc
Nov 142006

Growing number of educators explore ‘Second Life’ online – It appears to be presented as part of the Welcome to the Future special CNN is doing.

Misleading stat watch:

Now some 1.3 million people around the world log on to live out their second lives.

There’s definitely a little bit of an SL backlash building up among the MMO folks at this point, in part because of perceived overhype and in part because of the use of the registered users metric… a bit of a shame that we can get distracted from SL’s very real achievements because of the surrounding stuff — some of which, no doubt is a bit of jealousy.