Mashup Feet

 Posted by (Visited 11240 times)  Watching  Tagged with: ,
Dec 262006

Today we took the kids to the movies to see Happy Feet. It was pretty good, I thought, but also clearly a movie that could not have existed without March of the Penguins. You had to know the other movie to appreciate this one. You knew exactly when the sea lion was going to threaten, you knew precisely how dangerous the birds of prey were, only because you had listened to Morgan Freeman’s voice describing it in great detail before. Only because of the documentary could you really know how the cold might affect the penguin egg that eventually births Elijah Wood — er, I mean, Mumble.

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The Escapist – Boutique MMOGs

 Posted by (Visited 12338 times)  Game talk
Dec 242006

Allen Varney has a nice article at The Escapist on Boutique MMOGs. In it, he points out that in aggregate, several of the smaller MMOs he lists have populations larger than that of WoW.

But I think it’s valuable to point out that most of WoW’s subs are in Asia. If you compare the market share just in North America and Europe, a lot of these “under the radar” games actually have a larger market share than WoW does.