Trophy equipment

 Posted by (Visited 10544 times)  Game talk
Nov 062006

There’s a Terra Nova thread titled Source Identification and Soulbinding which basically says,

…soulbinding is a “source identifier.” In WoW-like systems, you know if a person has been through a particular dungeon because the item they’re carrying could only have come from there. I have a Misplaced Server Arm, thus, you know I’ve been in Naxxramas. Fine.

But in DDO (which does have soulbinding, but to a lesser degree), the difficulty is that I can’t read the life story of a potential groupmate in their equipment.

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Nov 052006

There once was this erstwhile poet
Who swore, “I’ll post Sundays, ya know it!”
But a weekend away
Left no time to stray
So the conference* caused him to blow it.

*Project Horseshoe, that is. Where there were multiple limericks delivered, in fact. Plus that old blue joke about the bagpipe and the octopus who walks into a bar.

Trackback Validator rocks

 Posted by (Visited 15416 times)  Misc
Nov 032006

It’s been an ongoing battle against spam on the blog lately — mostly, trackback spam. Our filter for trapping regular comment spam works pretty well, but people were able to sneak in several hundred spams a day using an attack on the trackback mechanism.

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Off to Project Horseshoe

 Posted by (Visited 5647 times)  Misc
Nov 022006

For the next few days, I will be here, doing this. My talk is titled “Influences,” and after I get back maybe I’ll post some of it.

I may or may not manage to do regular blog posts. We’ll see. 🙂

I have a new book out, sort of

 Posted by (Visited 5270 times)  Game talk
Nov 012006
The State of Play: Law, Games, and Virtual Worlds (Ex Machina: Law, Technology, and Society)

It’s not really mine, but rather Beth Noveck and Jack Balkin’s. It’s The State of Play: Law, Games, and Virtual Worlds, and it has a great list of contributors, including Richard Bartle, Yochai Benkler, Ted Castronova, Susan P. Crawford, Julian Dibbell, A. Michael Froomkin, James Grimmelmann, Dan Hunter, Greg Lastowka, Beth Noveck, Cory Ondrejka, & Tracy Spaight. The topic is right in the title, of course. I believe the piece of mine that is in there is Declaring the Rights of Players.