Korea’s Gambling and Gaming Woes

 Posted by (Visited 10967 times)  Game talk
Oct 232006

It hasn’t been much talked about here in the West, unless you read Steven Davis’ excellent PlayNoEvil blog. But South Korea has been caught in the grip of a huge scandal involving games and gambling.

The very very short form of it is that “Sea Story,” a chance-based game that paid out in “tickets” that were sponsored by the government and intended to be used for access to cultural sites and events, was hacked by some operators so that it would pay out more tickets than it was supposed to. Steven has some metrics on the magnitude of the scandal:

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Multiverse in context

 Posted by (Visited 6557 times)  Game talk
Oct 232006

TCSDaily has an article entitled “The Next Big Thing” which is about Multiverse (for a change, not Second Life!). It does a good job of making the case for the evolution to a 3d web (something that I am still skeptical is coming anytime too soon) through the lens of the past history of Netscape.