The Sunday Poem: Eves

 Posted by (Visited 5079 times)  The Sunday Poem
Dec 242006

Eves are potential: the pendulum at its farthest swing,
The wave as it curls, the indrawn breath, lowered lashes.
They accrete importance, become more the thing than the thing,
Surrounded by lights, by costumes, icons, belled sashes.

The days themselves are rushes, crashes, madness,
The ebb and flow of family, feasts, and fastness.

But eves — eves are frozen, out of time, still and somehow sad —
An endless moment of anticipation you had, but never have.

Three Rings gets new offices

 Posted by (Visited 7896 times)  Game talk
Dec 242006

From the new design of the Three Rings offices I conclude the following:

  • They have more money than Areae does — we’re on IKEA tables. 😉
  • Most MMOs look sadly impoverished on the imagination front compared to the average artist’s desk there
  • They better have extreme artist loyalty if each artist gets a custom desk…!
  • I need to persuade Daniel to let me come visit. 🙂

Favorite posts this year?

 Posted by (Visited 5259 times)  Misc
Dec 232006

As part of my relentless and pointless self-examination (all intended to bring you a Better Blog(tm), of course), I’m curious as to which posts you liked the most this year.

Besides, that way I can skate by with a very slight blog post today while not looking like I am ignoring the blog altogether.

I’m curious for nominations in the following categories:

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Holmes meets Cthulhu

 Posted by (Visited 10762 times)  Game talk
Dec 202006

So Game|Wire mentions this game concept of Sherlock Holmes vs Cthulhu, and apparently it even exists already in a French version. But all I can think of is Neil’s Gamain’s award-winning short story “A Study in Emerald,” which you can download the PDF of, if you want to read it. I guess there’s no connection, and it’s just a case of peanut butter and chocolate seeming obvious.